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The Arran Poet

Whiting Bay, Isle of Arran.

Nix Moretta is The Arran Poet, based on the stunningly beautiful, Scottish Western Isle of Arran. Nix is a former Cambridge University English lecturer, whom has also run children’s riding schools, and makes goats’ milk soap with milk from her own goats! Nix’s literary work is born out of a lifetime of love, and immersion in the therapeutic benefits of writing. Nix hails from a traumatic childhood, which sadly left a lasting legacy, and she suffered from homelessness, poverty, abuse, mental ill health, an eating disorder, and survived a nervous breakdown. Nix now lives a recovered, peaceful, and happy life on the island, running writing groups, looking after her aged retired pony, and working in the community. Her poetry is often described as quite Avant Garde, contemporaneously experimental, and inspired by life, feeling, and experiences. It is cathartic, and life affirming, and offers a revival in poetic creativity, and reader interpretation.

Nix currently has two books for sale via Amazon, with full details available on her website.

Alternatively, you can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and listen to poetry readings via Soundcloud.

For more information on writing groups, and poetry readings, please use the contact email!